Signing up for the Transplant Rota is a great way to get more surgical experience! Sign up form is circulated in the ClinSoc bulletin and via the SurgSoc mailing list

If you get called up on the rota, you will:

– Get paid £50

– Be guaranteed to scrub in and assist on retrieval or implantation

– See lots of cool surgery that you won’t see anywhere else!

Year 4s – To be eligible to sign up for the transplant rota, you must

have done one of the following:

  1. Started your first surgical placement and scrubbed in/assisted in theatre
  2. Have completed a Year 4 Transplant Rota Competency

There is more information below, and some FAQs. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me.

Best Wishes,

Essam Rama

Transplant Coordinator (c……

Information about the transplant rota:

You can sign up for as many or as few shifts as you want, and can indicate the maximum number of days you would be prepared to do. You will have to be within 30 minutes of Addenbrooke’s Hospital during your shift, which runs from 9am to 9am the following day.

Preference for extra dates is given to those who have not yet been called up and scrubbed in, but all those who sign up should get a date. You can also tick a box to be on the standby list, which is used if two transplants are going on at the same time.

Useful resources can be found at:

Payment claiming:

There are 4 forms you must complete to claim your £50. 

First time you claim: complete all 4 forms

If you have submitted forms to be paid for transplants since the rota was restarted after COVID then you only need to fill out form 1 and 2 for each subsequent transplant as your form 3 and 4 are on file

Forms 2,3&4 can be completed electronically and sent to c…… with your name as the subject line.

Form 1 must be completed on paper and must be signed by surgeon.

Form 1 should be scanned and sent to c…… with your name as the subject line

Form 1,Form 2,Form3,Form 4

In order for payments to be processed you need a national insurance number. You can still sign up to the rota if you don’t have one, but payment may be delayed until you can supply a NI number.


How has the transplant rota changed because of COVID-19?

We recommend being FIT tested before you are on the rota. It is no longer compulsory, but if you would fee safer to wear an FFP3 mask it is reasonable to get FIT tested. To arrange this email with your availability.

When is the on-call period?

You will be on call from 9am on your day to 9am the following day, during which time the transplant coordinators can call you. You must stay within 30 minutes of Addenbrooke’s during this time (can be by taxi).
The coordinators MAY call you in the night before your on-call day to give you prior warning to a transplant likely to happen during your on-call period. You do not need to be within 30 minutes of Addenbrooke’s at that time.

What if you are unable to attend the rota?

Please email the list of students on the email where the rota is initially sent to you to offer the date to other students signed up for that month or ask for a swap. Swapping is perfectly acceptable as long as at least a few days notice are given. When you have organised a swap, update the transplant rota google form. Please do this as early as possible.If you are unable to make the on-call DURING your shift (e.g. terrible illness, family emergency, self-isolating due to COVID) please telephone Addenbrooke’s switchboard and ask for the ‘on-call Transplant Coordinator’ and let them know of your unavailability, advising them to use the reserve rota. Please also email me to let me know.

What to do when called up:

Bring Form 1 along, and turn up promptly. The on-call transplant coordinator will give you instructions. Go to Theatre 7 and 8 and ask when it is likely to start and what the situation is.
It is useful to take some food/money for food, and a book/ipod as you may be waiting around.
If you are called up but the transplant is cancelled you still get paid. You will need still need to fill out the forms.

The need for students from the transplant rota is really variable! It is probably more likely you won’t be called up on your day. This means you can still make plans and socialise (rather than wait anxiously by the phone) but don’t go far from Addenbrooke’s, and don’t drink alcohol.

Filling out the forms:

There are examples of filled out forms in the transplant folder, which is held at Clinical School reception. Please see these to familiarise yourself with the format.
Please place your completed forms into the transplant folder or email them to c……; within a few days/week of your call-out.
I will notify you by email when the forms have been submitted. The admin department may take a number of weeks to process your claim. If you have not heard anything within three months of filing your claim, feel free to email me and I will do my best to help.




In April 2013 HMRC (Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs) have changed national laws such that there is now no student exemption for taxation. The way the new system works is that at the end of the tax year (April) they will automatically calculate your total earnings, and contact you a couple of months after this with a rebate (e.g. a posted cheque) of all the excess tax you were charged. This is likely to occur in May-July. You will therefore receive £40 shortly after doing the transplant, and £10 at the beginning of the next tax year.